Rutland Park Musings – June 2023


by Isabell

Hello community friends,

It was slow coming, but summer must be here by now. As this goes to print, I do not know if our main hall is back in business; such a shame that part of our 50th year has to be celebrated in this unusual way.

Awhile back there was a call out to community residents to indicate their interest in possibly attending a Ukrainian social event. So far, the response has been good, with over a dozen people on board. It is really early, but it would be great to hear from more people. The event would take place in the fall, so get a group together and join the fun.

The community gardens are once again a great place for gardeners to meet and share their gardening tips and skills. Also, our front entrance summer beautification florals are beginning to look great.

Later this month, Neighbor Day, the 50th celebrations, and the fabulous community cleanup day will bring us all together. Then Yahoo, it is Stampede time! A lot to celebrate!

Before I sign off this time, special congratulations to all our graduates. All the best to each and every one of you as you move to the next adventure in life.

Have a great summer and do take time to smell the roses.


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