Rutland Park’s Development and Traffic Report for December


I would just like to highlight what has been happening/going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:

Thank-you Peter F and all of our volunteers for a successful casino event! As funds are pooled quarterly, we won’t know how much money we raised until the first quarter of 2025. The quarter prior to our event, organizations raised approximately $80,000 for themselves by providing volunteers for two days. This is a huge source of revenue for us, and everyone’s efforts are appreciated!

The CBE is looking to close the All-Boys Program at Sir James Lougheed School. As the affected community association we have indicated that our preference is, of course, for Sir James Lougheed to become a local elementary school. If that is not possible, then we asked that the school remain open as a school, even if bussing is required at this time. We are vehemently opposed to closing Sir James Lougheed School for redevelopment knowing that the CFB West Master Plan has already been approved for a population of over 22,000 residents, with no Municipal Reserve requirement for a public school.

Thank you to those who took the time to join the residents’ Remembrance service on November 11 in Valour Park. We are grateful for our community and for those who have made sacrifices that we might live in peace.

Thank you to all who joined us at our 2024 AGM on November 19. We appreciate your support and hope that you were able to enjoy some socializing with neighbours.

I reached out to the file manager for the proposed mixed-use development on the Carwash site on Sarcee Road. The owner has now withdrawn their application.

The Sarina development proposal for Richmond Green is still under review by the City. We will update you when we have more information.

Our insurer is offering us less than 10% of what we submitted in our Proof of Loss with regards to the Hall floor failure. We are investigating a Dispute Resolution process and the costs associated with it. This is extremely disheartening news for us.

The City has been requesting citizen and community input with regards to proposed Zoning Bylaw changes. We have serious concerns with what is being proposed—too many to list here. Please sign up for our email updates or FB page to read the list which includes supportive housing (including addiction treatment centres) as a permitted use in all low-density residential areas, removal of minimum parking requirements for all residential, mixed use and commercial use, removing the maximum density cap for many land uses, and muddling the uses with regards to park spaces and schools. We have indicated that the public needs to actually be informed of the impact of these changes, rather than just giving them a survey and asking what amenities they would like to see within walking distance of their homes… Please take the time to stay engaged!

If you have not already signed up for our email updates, please do so at our website — The City often gives us very short notice for upcoming events, and this is the quickest way for us to reach you. Please also join us on Facebook—Rutland Park Community Association. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Leanne Ellis

Executive VP and Development and Traffic

[email protected]

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