Rutland Park’s Development and Traffic Report for February


I would just like to highlight what has been happening/going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:

Thank you, Steve and Ryan and all our rink crew! We have appreciated your efforts to get our rink up and running. Please check our Rutland Park Community Association Facebook page for a detailed schedule, as well as rink closures. Our rink(s) are unsupervised and open seven days a week from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. Pucks and sticks are allowed most of the time on our main rink with the exception of public skate times. Public skating is on Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. No sticks or pucks are permitted during this time. Please be respectful. Many volunteer hours go into maintaining our rinks, and more volunteers are needed. Please reach out to Steve at [email protected] if you are fit and can help with rink work after 9:00 pm (when the rinks close).

Hall Update – Our lawyer is in discussions with our insurer to see if we are able to get additional funds from our floor collapse claim. The amount that has been offered is less than 10% of what we have claimed. Our lawyer feels that we could get additional funds if we completed the engineering work for the floor. The City does not want to do any additional engineering until the insurance claim is closed. In addition, the City has changed the grant funding procedures, and this will directly impact our ability to access repair funds. In the meantime, we have insurance coverage until the end of January and are looking at alternate providers. We are extremely disappointed and frustrated to be in this situation almost two years after our loss.

Things typically slow down on the development front over the winter. We are still waiting to see the changes that will be proposed for the Sarina Homes development on Richmond Green. We are also awaiting a timeline for the upgrades to the remaining park space.

Currie Barracks will see some revisions to the CFB West Master Plan. Developers are shying away from tall commercial towers and as a result, Canada Lands has purchased back land from Embassy Bosa. Revisions will be made to the topographical layout along Crowchild Trail to accommodate an existing school and allow for better residential land use. We look forward to seeing further plans and will keep you posted.

We are very excited to learn that Sir James Lougheed School will be reconfigured to provide general elementary programming next fall. With the increasing population in Currie, it will be nice for families to have access to a local school.

We hope that 2025 is off to a great start and that you having been making warm memories during these colder months. We also hope that you have been able to enjoy some time out and around the community. We are hoping to start a new Funding Committee this year and will be looking for some volunteers. Thank you for considering us.

If you have not already signed up for our email updates, please do so at our website, The City often gives us very short notice for upcoming events, and this is the quickest way for us to reach you. Please also join us on Facebook—Rutland Park Community Association. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Leanne Ellis

Executive VP and Development and Traffic

[email protected]

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