Rutland Park’s Development and Traffic Report for November


I would just like to highlight what has been happening/going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:

Our insurer has indicated we should be receiving a settlement offer with regards to our hall floor collapse in the next few weeks. We hope to have an update for our AGM, but in the meantime, the main hall remains closed. Thank you for your patience.

Hopefully you were able to attend our Community Cleanup on September 27. Thank you to all of our volunteers for contributing to this wonderful event! Special thanks to Rosa M. for taking over this event on short notice!

Shout out as well to all of our volunteers at the Cowboys Casino on October 19 and 20! Special thanks to Peter F. for taking over this event on short notice as well! Casinos play a huge role in terms of funding for our community association, and we are grateful to have access to these events.

Volunteers are the heart of our organization. We have several positions vacant, and we are hoping you will consider us for your volunteer time.

Right now, we have an Acting Secretary, and we are looking for someone to step into this role on a permanent basis. The time commitment averages about six hours per month (including a two-hour monthly meeting).

We are also looking for a Website Director. The time commitment can be as low as four hours per month (including a two-hour monthly meeting) or it can expand and include community surveys and engagement depending on how much time one would like to commit. Please reach out to [email protected] if you are interested in either of these positions.

City Wide Rezoning to R-CG

The City of Calgary changed the residential land use citywide from R-C1 and R-C2 to R-CG on August 6, 2024. While the land use may have changed, restrictive covenants remain and are supported on our low density lots. These lots are restricted to one or two dwelling units respectively. These covenants are a provincial matter and supersede City land use. There is a separate Restrictive Covenant Committee that is prepared to address these covenants. They can be reached at [email protected].

The Rutland Park Community Association supports these restrictive covenants as they form part of our development guidelines. The RPCA is not a property owner, however, so has no standing with regards to these covenants and will not contribute to legal costs to uphold these covenants.

Rutland Park Community Association AGM

The RPCA AGM date has been set for November 19, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Skateshack (3130 40 Ave SW, Calgary AB, T3E 6W9).

We will need to make two motions this year. The first one is to increase the board spending limit to $15,000 per item per project. With ever increasing costs, we are finding we don’t have the spending limit to approve projects and simple upgrades to our facilities (like installing Sea Cans or paving our parking lot). We will therefore be making the following motion at our AGM:

I move that we amend our Rutland Park Community Association Bylaws, Section 3.3 (c) to read:

“make major purchases or expenditures up to $15,000.00 which are necessary to carry out the activities of the Association and any purchases or expenditures greater than $15,000.00 shall require an Ordinary Resolution passed at a meeting of the Members.”

The only bylaw change in the above motion is the figure—the current limit is $10,000 and we are looking to increase it to $15,000.

As we are still unclear as to what the repair costs will be for our main hall, we need to make a motion that will allow for a much larger expenditure for the hall so that repair work can be completed when the funds become available. We are therefore putting the following motion forward at our AGM as well:

“I move that the Rutland Park Community Association Main Hall repair work be funded as necessary, as determined by City engineering requirements and as supported by the RPCA Board, without incurring any debt in the name of the Rutland Park Community Association.”

We will be looking for your support of these two motions. We hope you will join us at our AGM for discussion and socializing. Thank you for staying engaged.

If you have not already signed up for our email updates, please do so at our website, The City often gives us very short notice for upcoming events, and this is the quickest way for us to reach you. Please also join us on Facebook at Rutland Park Community Association. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Leanne Ellis

Executive VP and Development and Traffic

[email protected]

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