Signal Hill President’s Message – July


Summer! It’s here! With or without smoke remains to be seen. I think we all have come to feel different about the expression, “Lazy hazy days of summer. So many have lost everything in the spring fires. While we as a community escaped losses like some of our neighbours, I am sure that you know of friends or family that have been touched by Canada’s historical fire season. Let’s pause for a moment to reflect on the enormous losses some have sustained.

By the time you read this letter, you will know the recycling bins located in the Westside Mall area will have been removed. Even though the city sent trucks twice a day/seven days a week, the site was difficult to manage. That was a key recycling center, not just for Signal Hill, but for the entire west side of the city. As an Association, we are trying to search for a suitable site to host the recycling program. If you can think of an appropriate location, let us know please.

We had our last meeting as a complete board in June. Your Community Association doesn’t stop working until September – otherwise you would not be reading this letter. Several committees and individual board members have projects throughout this month and extending into August. So, we are here. Keep up to date on our activities on our webpage. Questions can be sent to [email protected] and the appropriate board member will respond.

Also, at our last meeting, the board was informed that one of the longest serving board members was leaving our board. Laurel Madro was our secret weapon; that’s why her email was Director 007. Laurel, we thank you so much for serving the last eight years. Your leadership and influence made our board and community stronger. I’m happy to know that I will still see your wonderful smile and bubbly enthusiasm as a volunteer at many of our future events.

If you wish to send your concerns or comments directly, please reach out to [email protected].

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