Signal Hill’s January Message from the President


Happy New Year!

Well, 2020 is behind us. While certainly a challenging year, I think we’ve all come to appreciate some of the “little things in life” that many of us have missed. Here’s wishing, “All the Best!” to you and your families for 2021.

AGM Recap

Just thought I’d share a few highlights from our 2020 Annual General Meeting, which was held back on November 25, as our first ever virtual AGM. Councillor Davison joined us and provided some highlights on events and activities within Ward 6. We had a good discussion regarding some traffic concerns within Signal Hill, and we will be following up with his office to address a few priority areas.

SHCA Board members provided updates on key goals from 2020, and although COVID-19 restrictions meant we were unable to hold most of our planned social/community events, good progress was made on key governance and facility aspects. Overall, we are in solid financial shape, and audited financial statements for the year were approved. Members also approved revised objects and bylaws for the society.

My thanks to those of you who participated in this AGM, and for your ongoing support.

Rink Operations

At the time of writing and submitting this update, which was mid-December, we had just made the decision to postpone opening of our rinks. This was a difficult one for us, as we know many people were looking forward to some outdoor fun activities, as it seemed more and more things were being closed down. Our priority was and still is, to fully support stopping the spread of COVID-19. Although the provincial regulations at the time would permit outdoor rinks, they easily become a place where large crowds can gather quickly, and the rules and restrictions were such, that we were not in a position to monitor and enforce.

By the time you read this, we will have done a re-evaluation and updated our plans based on the same above considerations. Please check our website,, for rink status updates.

Photo Contest

And just in case you missed it, please note that we are holding our now second Annual Photo Contest. Details are contained in this edition, and I am looking forward to seeing some great photos that can be posted in this newsletter and on our website.

Brian Lawrence

Signal Hill Community Association

[email protected]