Signal Hill’s July President’s Message


Hello Signal Hill Neighbours,

Well, here we are on the cusp of returning to some kind of “normal” world, and just in time for summer. So, of all the things you could be doing, if you’re reading this I’m impressed – and appreciative of your interest in our community. A few items hopefully of interest, and several “Thank-yous” …

Activity Update

While we have continued to be somewhat constrained through the spring in terms of holding events, we did have a very successful Plant Swap Day in late May, and a couple of food trucks in the parking lot events that were very popular. As the whole COVID situation improves and restrictions are relaxed, we will be developing and planning more events that will hopefully appeal to our residents.

And a reminder that the Pedalheads bike camps for kids are underway at our facility. Check them out at

“Gathering Place” Project

As follow-up to my notes from last month, we are continuing to progress development of the “Gathering Place” project. Just as a reminder, this is a proposed project to create a multi-seasonal, multi-generational, and multi-cultural space at our site to make it more of a community gathering place throughout the year.

Our thanks to those of you who submitted ideas through our online survey. We have arranged for a landscape architect and urban design group to assist us in developing and furthering the ideas and are targeting to have some concepts ready for presentation and review this Fall. Stay tuned.

Walking Path Garden Project

I would like to thank Terry Mullane (community resident and avid volunteer) who developed and coordinated a project to improve an open space along one of our many walking pathways by creating a garden of hardy native grasses and shrubs, and the volunteers who assisted in a weekend’s worth of work to make it all happen. Check it out at the pathway intersection just off of Sirocco Dr., north of the lower arm of Signal Hill Dr.

And as well, our appreciation to the Federation of Calgary Communities for providing funding through their ActivateYYC2021 grant program to support this project.

A “Thank You” to the Board

And last but certainly not least, as we take a break in our meetings over July and August, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the Board of Directors for their support and contributions over the past very challenging year.

On behalf of the community, “Thank You” to our longstanding members, Laurel Madro, Gord Vogt, Janet Patterson, Alice Lui, Anastasia D’Souza, Terry McGuire, and Rob Leong, and to our new members who have just joined this year and are providing fresh ideas and support, Amber Dennison, Ron Waters, Ricot Poitevien, John Lamacchia, and Dominic Terry.

Have a great summer!

Brian Lawrence

Signal Hill Community Association

[email protected]