Signal Hill’s President’s Message for November


Lest We Forget

I’d like to start this month’s message with a brief reflection on the fact that this is a month of remembrance. As the cover photo reminds us, we are ever thankful to all those who gave their lives to protect our country and way of life. If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment now to consider all those past sacrifices…

Notice of Annual General Meeting – November 25 at 7:00 pm

We have begun planning for the Annual General Meeting of the Signal Hill Community Association. This is an opportunity for SHCA members to get information on what your Board has been doing in terms of setting and meeting goals, and how the affairs of the association are being managed. At this point, we intend to hold a virtual (online) AGM on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, at 7:00 pm. Please note as well that this year’s meeting will include a Special Resolution to be presented for vote on updating the Objects and Bylaws of the Society.

If you would like to attend, please notify Janet by email at [email protected]. As soon as review materials are available, they will be emailed to you along with an electronic meeting notice that will provide a link to join the meeting. We hope you will plan to participate.

Recent Site Upgrades

Also wanted to let you know that we have been taking steps over the summer to keep your facilities in good condition. Several paving upgrades were made in the parking lot and areas around the building to prevent deterioration and improve drainage. You may have also noticed a “new look” to the roof of your building, as a fairly major job of replacing missing or broken shingles was performed.

We also decided it was time to properly identify the area and facilities with some new signage. A large banner has been placed on the southwest corner of the rink, and hopefully by the time you read this, a similar sign will have been erected near the entrance to the parking lot.

Crime Prevention

Although our community is generally a very safe one, there has been a recent uptick in vehicle and home break-ins and thefts. Much of this activity is based on targeting unlocked vehicles in driveways that also have garage door openers in them, which then allows easy access to the garage, and potentially the home itself. The Calgary Police Service has provided a convenient checklist of simple steps that can be taken each evening to significantly reduce the risk of becoming a target. It’s called the 9PM Routine, and can be found in this month’s newsletter.

Brian Lawrence

Signal Hill Community Association | [email protected]