Southwood’s November Message from the President

Presidents Message Southwood

Dear Neighbours,

I hope this finds you well and keeping warm!

The Southwood Community Association hosts several events each year that rely on the work of many volunteers! Thanks to those who helped host our Halloween Howler. Our next event is WinterFest on Saturday, January 5 from 2-5 pm inside and outside of the community hall. We will need many hands to make this fun day possible—please get in touch at [email protected] if you’re able to help with planning or at the event.

We’re always looking for new ways for neighbours to connect to each other. One new tool is a Southwood Facebook group for more informal conversations about what’s going on in the neighbourhood. One resident recently wrote to me wondering if others experienced an unusual number of mice and other rodents in their yards this past summer—it’s the most they have seen in over 20 years in the community! If you’ve also noticed this, hop on to the Facebook group to share your experience or strategies at

Our next Board Meeting will be Thursday, November 22 from 7:00-9:00 pm at the Community Hall in the upstairs Chateau Room. As usual, all are welcome.

Take care,
