Southwood’s President’s Message for June


Hello Southwood!

Join us at our Annual General Meeting on Thursday, June 16 to go over our annual financials and vote in new board members. The meeting will take place in the Pioneer Room at 7:00 pm. This year, we have made a motion to create upwards of four new positions, including a Director of Social Media and Director of Communications. If there is a position that you have always thought would be a great addition to the board, but never thought of joining because it doesn’t exist, this is the year to do so!

What are the benefits to joining a board?

  • Being part of your community – understanding what is going on around Southwood by having firsthand information that is coming from the City and your fellow neighbours.
  • Being part of a team – on the Southwood Board of Directors, we work together. We see the board as an opportunity to collaborate with one another so that no one is ever burdened by the position.
  • Supporting your career growth – serving on the board is an amazing opportunity to add to growing your career. I joined the board after having my second child and being a stay-at-home mom for two years. In the six years that I have been on the board, I have gained experience to support me in returning to school, getting back into the workforce, and working towards a path that I am passionate about.

Did you hear about the Pub Night we held at the end of April from your neighbours and thought, why didn’t I hear about it? The best way to find out this information is to have a CA Household Membership. We are planning to host more pub nights, but we can only invite people that are on our membership list due to the type of liquor license we have. I must say, it was a fantastic evening where the kids played (yes, we brought in babysitters), and the adults were able to mingle and relax!

This summer, NEXT Calgary, a research and space activation team from the University of Calgary, will be working in Southwood to introduce tactical urbanism. Tactical urbanism is about introducing small scale, low-cost, temporary projects to public spaces that are needing some love and attention. The goal is to have these temporary fixes turn into permanent solutions or change how a space is being used. I am leading this team and we are looking forward to engaging with all of Southwood. Watch out for our pop-ups throughout the neighbourhood.

Our last monthly board meeting, before we break for summer, will take place on Thursday, June 24 at 7:00 pm. As always, you are more than welcome to join us in person at the Community Hall or online through Zoom. All online information is available through our website:

