Home Safety in Springbank Hill – The 7 PM Routine


Have you started a 7 pm routine yet? The Calgary Police Service is continuing to encourage Calgarians to establish a 9 pm routine to help secure their property before heading to bed. Due to daylight savings and the sun going down earlier the city has been encouraging going through the routine at 7 pm instead or in addition, especially if everyone is home for the night at that time.

Most often crimes taking place in our neighbourhood are crimes of opportunity, where offenders will simply go down a street checking vehicles and houses for doors left open. By simply locking your doors you could avoid waking up to a home intruder or to missing property. Here is a simple checklist provided by CPS, adapt the routine to make sense for your home and habits. The basic recommendations are as follows:

• Remove valuables and garage door openers from vehicles.

• Ensure vehicles are locked, windows up, and if possible parked inside a garage.

• Close garage overhead doors and windows.

• Lock any person-doors in the garage, including those leading into a house.

• Check that all house doors – front, back, side, and garage – are locked.

• Ensure all windows are shut.

• Turn on an exterior light.

The majority of vehicle break-ins occur due to unlocked vehicles with valuables visible, and for those who leave garage door openers in their vehicles, anything in their garage is compromised as well. With very minimal effort we can all reduce the likelihood of break-ins in our community. Keep safe Springbank Hill!

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