How Springbank Hill Residents Can Help Grow SBHCA Awareness and Membership


by Shelly Smith

SBHCA is a not-for-profit organization, with a 100% volunteer team, that is always looking for ways to grow our residential and business membership. All funds raised from membership fees go directly to program funding in Springbank Hill.

Anne Hobbs and Sonia Anderson, both residents of Springbank Hill, approached us about a block party that they were hosting in July. They asked if members of the SBHCA board would like to attend the block party to promote what we do and sell memberships. We took Anne and Sonia up on their offer to attend, which was very welcoming event. As a result of their efforts, we signed up several new members on the spot. They even put together an amazing gift basket to raffle off among new and existing SBHCA members in attendance.

Anne and Sonia, we want to sincerely thank you for including us in your block party, which allowed us to spread the word about SBHCA and what we do. You are amazing!

What You Can Do to Help Increase the Awareness of SBHCA

If you are hosting a block party or a gathering of neighbours, we would welcome the opportunity to join you (based on availability of volunteers) and chat about SBHCA and the benefits of becoming a member. We would also love to get your feedback on our community and programs that you might find of value. Contact us at [email protected].

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