Springbank Hill’s December President’s Message


As we approach the holiday season and prepare for the arrival of winter, it’s a good time to reflect on the 2020 year. Who would have guessed that the pandemic, which was thrust upon us back in March, would have such an impact on our lives? It now appears that this virus will be with us for a lengthy period, and while we have learned to live with it, and modified our day-to-day processes, we are all looking forward to the day that the vaccine arrives so that we can resume a more ‘normal’ life.

The community association continues to survive and prosper during these times. We have been fortunate to increase our volunteer team, and we are busy developing plans for several new initiatives with this increased help. Soon our two seasonal ice rinks will be in operation, and we hope that many of you can enjoy these outdoor facilities, while respecting the provincial COVID social distancing guidelines. Plans for our new community gardens are progressing well. We also expect to hear back from the City soon with a confirmed date for our proposed 2021 community cleanup event, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the 2021 children’s soccer and t-ball season can go ahead, with registrations tentatively scheduled for February. As always, we welcome help from members of our community, either through your purchase of an annual membership ($25) to help us fund our operating expenses, or through your offers to join us as a volunteer, and join one of our many teams preparing for various 2021 initiatives.

On behalf of our entire Board of Directors, I want to extend our best wishes for a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season! We look forward to connecting with you in the new year.

Elio Cozzi

President, Springbank Hill Community Association