Springbank Hill’s President’s Message for May


Greetings to all our Springbank Hill community residents. As we are now well into the spring season and enjoying the improving weather, we do hope that you are able to take advantage of all the wonderful amenities offered across our community. We are pleased to report that our Community Cleanup Day in April was a very successful event, and many residents were able to take advantage of this City-sponsored event to clean out their garages! Our spring children’s soccer and t-ball program is also now well underway.

The community association is developing a revised capital projects plan with funding from our past AGLC Casino Fundraiser events. We welcome ideas from our community residents, and we look forward to sharing our plans with you soon. We also continue to seek new board members and volunteers, so please reach out to us at [email protected] for more information.

Warm Regards,

Elio Cozzi, President

On behalf of the Springbank Hill Community Association Board of Directors

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