Springbank Hill’s President’s Message for November



As we approach the end of the autumn season, I wanted to first of all thank all our community association members who attended our Annual General Meeting on October 30. At this session we had the opportunity to briefly review our events, projects, and initiatives over the past fiscal year as well as sharing the financial report from our auditors for your feedback and approval. It’s great to be able to confirm that we do have a sound financial position, although there is always room for improvement. We’ve had some turnover on our board of directors and there is currently room for several new board member position as well as numerous volunteer opportunities. We are available to discuss these opportunities with you one-on-one, to help you determine if any of them are good fits for you. Simply contact us at [email protected] and we can schedule a brief online meeting.

Upcoming events include community engagement sessions and our bi-annual casino fundraiser. We’ll be hosting open houses at Rundle College on November 17 and 19 to impart more information to residents on our Community Hub project in Montreux, more information can be found in this newsletter. Thanks to Dan Hnatyshyn for all of his hard work on this project and on the rink thus far. This year’s event will be held at the Elbow River Casino on November 30 and December 1. We still have several volunteer positions available, please see the article in this newsletter for more details. And many thanks to our veteran casino coordinator, Fiona Christiaansen. Fiona has been a long-time volunteer and has previously served many years as a board member including the position of President. We truly appreciate all that Fiona has done in supporting our community!

Stay tuned for updates on the preparations to open our two seasonal skating rinks over the coming few months. We look forward to another enjoyable outdoor skating season, hopefully with openings in time for the Christmas season if the weather co-operates.

All the Best,

Elio Cozzi

President, Springbank Hill Community Association

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