Springbank Hill’s Vice-President’s Message for February



Welcome to February! We are in the midst of winter and looking for opportunities to embrace the outdoors. We are fortunate to live in a community with natural beauty to enjoy during a walk with our two and four legged friends, along with two community outdoor rinks (Montreux and Springbank). If you haven’t had a chance to visit either of the outdoor rinks, I encourage you to stop by – even if you don’t skate it is wonderful to see kids of all ages on the ice.

Michelle Varem, our newsletter editor, has included some very timely articles in this month’s newsletter, including:

• A PSA: Protect your home from frozen pipes this winter; and

• Shovelling in a Winter Wonderland.

These are very worthwhile reads. Thank you, Michelle, for all the work you put into creating this content and managing the SBHCA member only digital newsletter!

Volunteerism is a cornerstone of making any community vibrant. Thank you to the SBHCA board members and all the volunteers who give their time to better our community. You have busy lives and still find a way to carve out time to benefit the community in which you live. A shout out to Dan Hnatyshyn (Montreux) and Andrew Unruh (Springbank Hill), along with all of the volunteers who put up the rink boards, flood the ice, and so much more every year!

There are many ways you can volunteer your time with SBHCA – if you have a few hours to give, or maybe more. One example is grant writing – see the article in this newsletter. Grants are an important funding source to do so many things for residents of Springbank Hill. If you are interested in helping us with grant writing, or other volunteer opportunities, please contact us at [email protected].

Shelly Smith

Vice-President, Springbank Hill Community Association

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