Why Be a Springbank Hill Community Association Member?


by Michelle Varem

2025 marks the fifth year of my family residing in Springbank Hill, and I can’t believe the time has gone so quickly. Coming from downtown to the suburbs was a big change for us but this community very quickly felt like home. We were so thrilled to be in a neighbourhood with green space and treed areas to walk in, close proximity to shops and services, and now with the ring road, easy access to anywhere in the city.

When we moved to the neighbourhood, we quickly learned about the Springbank Hill Community Association (in this newsletter might I add) and decided to be members. I thought I would write a little bit about why we made that decision and to invite anyone reading who isn’t currently one to join us!

We moved in 2020, during a time when it wasn’t easy to be together and meet with neighbours, and yet the community association found ways to get people together and offer programs still. I was excited to see an online yoga class offered to members, and that was a big reason for us to join. I also was very excited for our child to participate in the soccer and T-ball programs offered to neighbourhood kids in the spring when he was a bit older. Both were successful programs and although neither are being offered this year, the SBHCA is working on evolving their program and event offerings. I look forward to participating in future programs and meeting more neighbours!

Aside from programs, I personally feel that it is important for my family and I to be involved in our community. Spending time in my community at different events or with neighbours was common during my childhood, and those events and programs wouldn’t have been possible without member support and volunteerism. That community spirit is something I want to pass on to my kids as well. Every year when my husband reminds me our membership is up for renewal it’s an easy yes. The past few years we’ve enjoyed attending Neighbour Day in June and Pumpkin Hunt events in October, we also loved visiting the farm stand the past few summers. Even when we aren’t able to attend events or programs, we’re happy to support the SBHCA with our membership to make things happen for those who are able to go and enjoy time spent with neighbours.

Programs, community involvement, and support were our main reasons for becoming community association members, now I’d like to know – what’s your reason? If anyone would like to share, please email [email protected] and let me know what you love about our community and why you decided to become a member! For any non-member readers who would like to join – please visit our website at https://springbankhill.org/membership for more information about how to become a member and the benefits of membership.

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