Glenmore Landing Development

Woodcreek cn

RioCan’s strategy is to transform its premium retail centers serviced by transit into mixed-use destinations featuring residential development, entertainment, dining, and luxury stores. Hence, the long-term plan for Glenmore Landing (15 to 20 years) is to convert it into an urban center where people can live, work, play, eat, and shop within a fairly short walk.

The short-term vision for Glenmore Landing starts with residential development in three phases, each separated by approximately five years. In short, Phase 1 along 90 avenue SW will be completed in the next five years, while Phase 2 and Phase 3 will follow five and ten years later.

RioCan and Urban Systems are still working on their Land Use Redesignation and Draft Plan of Subdivision to the city of Calgary and are currently negotiating for the purchase of the 5.5 acres surrounding the current Glenmore Landing shopping Centre. These documents are necessary before the city planning department considers the necessary permits over the summer. Once that process is largely complete and the plans have evolved somewhat, Urban Systems will plan further community engagement opportunities in the fall of 2023 before the City Council considers the final submissions later this year.

This development and its proposed changes can affect residents in Woodcreek. For more information, visit The City of Calgary webpage about the notice of motion on the proposed Glenmore Landing redevelopment: An update of this website will be available soon.

Information is also available on City of Calgary Development Map: Use Redesignation – LOC2023-0130.

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