WCA Executive Message for June

Woodcreek cn

Hello Woodcreek!

Our pantry opening was a success. Thanks to those who came out on the sunny day to support our community pantry and participate in the dedication. This project was funded by the Government of Canada under the Community Services Recovery Fund. Our MP Shuvaloy Majumdar, MLA Nagwan Al-Guneid, and Ward 13 Councillor Dan McLean were in attendance to show their support.

We are exploring the interest in setting up a Block Watch like program in Woodcreek. One of our directors has been doing some preliminary work and reported to the board last week. We’ve begun to set up a working group to explore the idea further. There is a write up in the May Chronicle on page 25. Please contact our office if you would be interested in participating in some capacity.

June events include: Woodcreek on Wheels on June 15, Volunteer Appreciation on June 18, and a Tween Dance on June 21. The Good Food box order deadline is June 17 for a June 26 pickup. You can also choose to donate it to the pantry. There will not be a Good Food Box delivery in July.

Upcoming, we will be hosting our annual Stampede breakfast on the morning of July 6, all community members are welcome. We also plan on running some children’s activities throughout the summer months, so please watch our website and social media for those details.

Don’t forget our 50/50 draw, the proceeds go to purchasing two new basketball nets to enhance our mini basketball program.

Keith and Jen

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