WCA Executive Message for September

Woodcreek cn

Hello Woodcreek!

We’re off to a great start to our rental year for our hall tenants. They’ve all returned, check out what they have to offer and sign up for any that interest you. This helps support them and the community association.

Stephanie has done a great job getting the paperwork and volunteers organized for our August Casino. We won’t know how it will turn out for a while yet, but these are critical to our community association. Thank you to Stephanie and all the volunteers that signed up.

The weekly farm stand in partnership with the City of Calgary and Tetzlaff Family Farm will continue in September. Stop by our parking lot on Fridays from 2:30 to 5:30 pm.

Our Annual Garage Sale is September 28 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. You can drop off donations on Friday, September 27 from 4:00 to 8:00 pm.

Good Food Box order dates are September 16 for September 25 pickup, and October 14 for October 23 pickup. It’s easy to donate a box to the pantry instead of picking up items yourself. Order online at www.woodcreekcommunity.ca.

Our next board meeting is Tuesday, September 10 at 7:15 pm. The Community Association AGM is November 26. If you’re interested in being on the board or in an executive role, please reach out to the office. We can talk to you about what that would look like. It’s a great way to get more involved in your community.

Keith and Jen

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