WCA Pantry and Thanksgiving Hampers

Woodcreek cn

I just want to take a moment and reflect on how amazing this community is.

We had a tight hamper budget, but were confident we could do at least Thanksgiving. Through all your donations we managed not to touch the budget, so we now know we can also do Christmas hampers. This is an amazing and generous community that I am lucky to be a part of.

We had some last-minute requests which brought the total to 25 families and 148 people. It feels great to live in a community that can come together and support our neighbours when they are going through a hard time. Kudos to you!

To the wonderful volunteers, I don’t have the words to express my gratitude. You made this run as smoothly as possible, and I appreciate you so much.

And thank you to Christine Versnick and Red Crowns Pub; your organization of events that help feed the pantry/hamper fund are amazing and help us keep going.

We will be holding a Food Drive on December 4, 5, and 6 to help Stock the Pantry for Christmas. Donations can be dropped off to the WCA office between 1:00 and 4:00 pm.

Naomi Burkinshaw

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