Woodcreek Community Craft Sale Recap

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Woodcreek Community Association (WCA) held our 14th annual Woodcreek Community Craft Sale on November 2, 2024. The day started with an invigorating morning as described by one customer and warmed to a lovely fall day by the afternoon. We are pleased to report that our sale was successful with over 485 persons attending the sale. Many thanks to those who brought food contributions and made monetary donations for the Community Pantry.

Like previous years, many applications from the Woodcreek area and the surrounding communities were received for the 25 available spaces which required that all sale items be handcrafted. Many of the sale vendors were from the Woodcreek community. Each of the vendors contributed to the success and atmosphere of the sale by donating a crafted item for a door prize. Their generosity and craft skills are appreciated by the WCA and customers.

Among the vendors, there were two returning vendors from the Woodcreek Seniors group – baking and knitting/crocheting tables. These four tables are designated as “Donation Tables” as their proceeds are donated to charities/organizations, and local recipients are chosen. The baking tables had a new festive addition of ceramic cookie jars, and their large amount of baked goods were in high demand. The few remaining items at the sales’ end were taken to our Community Pantry by the Woodcreek garage. The Knitting/Crochet group had a wide variety of knitted and crocheted items and a successful day. Both groups express thanks to the many who donated items for their tables.

The Woodcreek Scouts provided refreshments, snacks, and a lunch menu of very tasty pizza. Their annual popcorn sales were very successful. Thank you to the Scouts and their leaders for their contribution to the sale and assistance with the closing activities of the sale.

A large thank you also goes to the community for their continued support and great turnout. It is always appreciated when the community supports local crafters and community events.

Mark your 2025 calendar for our next annual Craft Sale on November 8, 2025!

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