Woodcreek Executive’s Message for November

Community Newsletter Woodcreek

We have been carefully increasing our community activities, being mindful of COVID guidelines and precautions at every step. These may seem onerous or tiresome, but they will continue until City or Provincial guidelines change. Our staff have been above and beyond throughout this time. Some of the tenants in our community center have returned, albeit with restrictions. Our recent Family Fun Fair was well run, and all who attended enjoyed it. The Community Clean Up was a big success, with a lineup of cars down the street.

We are moving forward with our Craft Fair on November 7, with specific planning to comply with COVID guidelines. We will be restricting the number of people in the hall at once, and there will be no food or drinks available at the kitchen. There will be a one-way path through the tables leading to an exit, with no backtracking. As the saying goes, you know the drill: masks, sanitizer, distance.

Our Annual General meeting is on November 24. This will be an in-person event, but you must call the office to pre-register, so we can make the appropriate socially distant plans. The usual COVID restrictions will be in place, unless repealed by the City or Province. Attendees must possess a WCA Membership. Said membership mush have been activated 30 days prior to the AGM meeting date. Please do check your membership and renew online to be in compliance with our bylaws. We are always looking for people willing to volunteer their time and skills to help make the community a better place to live. If you are interested in volunteering for a Board position, please email the office.

Keith Cartmell