Woodcreek’s Executive Message for January

Woodcreek cn

Hello Woodcreek, welcome to January.

Our AGM at the end of November went well. I’d like to thank our outgoing board members for their contributions, Andrew Clarke and Stephanie Lengsfeld. I’d also like to introduce you to our new board members.

• Simone Bourque is our 2nd VP.

• Ayesha Shaikh is our Casino Coordinator.

• Josh Heuberger and Kathy Thirsk are new directors.

• Scott Eden (a former president), Tom Ward, and Andre Ortiz returned as directors.

Dates for the 2025 board meetings are listed elsewhere in the Chronicle. We’re looking forward to another active year!

In casino news, we received $84,862 from our recent casino. Thank you to all the volunteers that made it a success. Our next one is scheduled for the second Quarter of 2026. The community association is in excellent financial condition. We will continue to work with the City in light of the recent changes to municipal grant funding, but we may need to pay for some repairs and renovations ourselves.

The postal strike is still going as I write this, so some of you probably didn’t receive the December Chronicle, and who knows when you’re actually reading this one. We have publication deadlines, but other than that, we have no control over when the Chronicle is printed, or when it gets delivered. What we do have control over is our e-version of the Chronicle. You can view a copy of it on our website, woodcreekcommunity.ca, and you can sign up to get it emailed to you. This is a great way to stay informed about what is going on in your community.

We are moving forward with our Community Betterment program. We’ve had one meeting already and are looking for more volunteers to act as points of contact for their immediate neighbours. If you’d like to get involved, or just find out more information, we will be hosting a meeting on January 15 at 7:15 pm in room 11 at the community hall.

The Good Food box program is continuing, with ordering deadlines of January 20, February 17, and March 10, for pickup January 29, February 26, and March 19.

Keith and Jen

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