Woodcreek’s Executive Message for November

Woodcreek cn

Hello Woodcreek,

We’ve been having a wonderful fall so far. We hope you’ve been out enjoying it. All good things come to an end, however. I know our ice crew has done some work to prepare for a full slate of rinks this year, if the weather cooperates.

We apologize for the late delivery of the paper Chronicle. This is beyond our control. Don’t forget you can sign up for an e-newsletter at our community association website: https://www.woodcreekcommunity.ca/.

I almost don’t know what events to highlight here, but it should be safe to mention our AGM on November 26. We are looking for a 2nd VP, a Police Liaison, the Casino Coordinator, and an Adult Events Coordinator. The Craft Sale is on November 2 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The Good Food Box deadlines are November 11, with pickup for November 20, and then December 2 with pickup December 11.

Keith and Jen

President and 1st VP

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