December School News from Queen Elizabeth School

Categories Schools

by Hamish MacAulay

Kindergarten gets outside

On top of learning all those early school essentials such as writing your name, the Kindys have started Fresh Air Thursday. Each Thursday, time is spent outside exploring the seasons and what nature can teach us. Be extra sure to dress your Kindergarten students appropriately for outdoor weather every Thursday throughout the school year. Please note the Kindergarten blog has moved to

Winter Weather

With winter here, please be sure your children are dressed for the weather. Children will go outside for recess if the temperature (including windchill) is warmer than minus 20 Celsius. Families that might need a little help getting appropriate clothing should call or drop in to the school office; be sure to come into the school to check the lost and found regularly for those missing toques and mittens.


The Calgary Board of Education has created a new way for parents to do all sorts of important things through the MyCBE / PowerSchool Portal ( The web address is a handful but be sure to register if you haven’t already. With PowerSchool, you can register for transportation and noon supervision, Pay fees online and request fee waivers, and book parent/teacher conferences. Unfortunately, if you have a previous My CBE Account and HomeLogic username/password, it will no longer work so go to the site to set up a new account.

Healthy Hunger / Fun Lunches

Queen Elizabeth parents have already organized two fun lunches through the Health Hunger site. The next Fun Lunch is December 13. If you want your children to be a part of fun lunches, go to to set up an account to order online. Parents who might need some financial support for their children to be a part of the Fun Lunches please call Michele Downs in the school office. Fun Lunches are a fundraiser organized by the Queen Elizabeth Elementary Program Enhancement Society (QEEPES).

Web Site

The school web site is filling up with lots of useful information about Queen Elizabeth School for parents and community members. Be sure to favourite the website at to find calendars and all the latest school news. For news and information about the school’s parent groups (the School Council and the fundraising society) go to and click on School Council in the top right corner.

QE parents, please mark these important dates in your calendar:

December 7 – Non-instructional Day

December 13 – Fun Lunch

December 21 – Last day of classes before winter break

January 8 – Classes resume

On behalf of the staff, students and school council of Queen Elizabeth School, have a magical holiday season!