Fostering Friendship with the Hayes Family

Family Profile Hayes

The lure of the ski-bum lifestyle and small town mountain living is ultimately what brought both Sara and Corson to the Bow Valley as young twenty-somethings.
It would take many years for them to meet each other in Canmore, but the Universe had grand plans for the two of them and within one year of knowing each other they were welcoming their first daughter, Osha Raven, into this world. A couple of years later, their second daughter, Rishi June, was born.
Corson and Sara grew up within one hour of each other in Ontario. Post-secondary studies came first while Corson attended Art School in Toronto and Sara obtained an Honours Degree in Law at Carleton University as well as a Photography Diploma at Algonquin College.
The mountains were always calling, though, and were never far from either one’s mind. As the years went on, both traveled extensively around the world and would ultimately connect over their love for India, yoga, and leading a non-harming, vegetarian lifestyle.

Now they are trying to build an even stronger foundation in Canmore and have opened a private, custom tattoo shop. Primitiveimprint Tattoo opened up downtown in Mistaya Place (#213-1001 6th Avenue) in February and business is booming. Their intention with the studio is to elevate the tattoo business to more of a relaxed, spa-like environment that is in a private setting.
Providing space for clients to enjoy their experience and have a welcoming place for family and friends to visit during their tattoo is also important. Corson is the professional artist and is the face of the business, whereas Sara is the administrator/bookkeeper behind the scenes. They complement each other nicely in this business venture and hope that it will mean their young daughters can continue to live and grow up in beautiful Canmore.
Osha is now 3 years old and attends pre-school and absolutely adores her teacher and all of her little class buddies. She is an adventurer who gets out on her run bike at every opportunity, and hits the slopes on her snowboard each winter.
She is excited to go to the “pedal shop” this summer and get a new bike. Her parents often joke that she is going to be an endurance athlete, as her energy never dwindles. Rishi is 7 months old and is the happiest baby imaginable. She recently got her first tooth and is contemplating crawling.
As a family, they get outdoors and do something fun together every day and really try to cherish their surroundings. They try to instill an “attitude of gratitude” into their kids because they are truly so lucky to get to call Canmore home!
What continues to grow their love for Canmore is the small-town community vibe where people say hello and smile at each other while out and about.
They enjoy knowing their neighbours, and are never too busy to stop and chat with a friend.
The slow pace of Canmore and having the ability to look up at those beautiful mountains every day is priceless.