Hawkwood’s LEAF Winter Update for December


Hawkwood held its mandated LEAF reaffirmation vote on October 8, and if you haven’t seen the results on our website, www.hawkwoodca.com, or on Instagram and Facebook, we are pleased to announce that 262 homeowners voted 99.24% in support of the program’s continuation for another five years!

This year provided us with some interesting challenges. Late spring frosts delayed our flower planting until early June. And although we anticipated some minor water restrictions to start the season due to low mountain snowpacks, we were left scrambling to find any water at all with the sudden City water restrictions. We were fortunate enough to have capable service providers who made an outstanding effort to source non-potable water on the scale we needed, a scarce commodity indeed. This, not once but twice this year, and amongst record high temperature setting days. However, the result was truly spectacular flowers in the planters.

This autumn, we finished the remediation of the retaining walls and soil composition to promote better displays along John Laurie Blvd next year.

Our efforts to supplement median tree watering during drought conditions seems to be paying dividends. Newly planted trees are having a high success rate so far compared to previous tree plantings more than five years ago.

We did suffer one mysterious planter loss from an undisclosed motor vehicle incident on Hawkmount Close on October 1. It was promptly cleaned up and replaced, but costs to community homeowners typically exceed $2,000 for each instance.

By now, our winter displays should be in place providing texture and warmth on our cold winter days. Material for these is sourced locally from trees destined to the landfill compost. Once we are finished with them in spring, they will also join compost there or be turned into mulch.

Next summer’s displays are already being prepared in our suppliers’ greenhouses. Since their appearance may seem like an eternity away, please use this time to bundle up and enjoy the winterscapes of our streets, parks, playgrounds, and our spectacular outdoor recreational facility, as frost and snow lay a pristine blanket on our Hawkwood community and our Hawkwood homes.

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