Hawkwood’s President’s Message for July


This month, we are once again providing some information on the City of Calgary’s Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw in response to a few questions/comments that have come my way.

Cats – Cat owners are responsible for ensuring their cats have a City of Calgary license, remain on the owner’s property (this includes the owner’s yard), do not scatter garbage, and do not chase, threaten, or attack a person or an animal.

Dogs – Dog owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs, and ensuring their dogs are licensed, remain under their constant control, and always kept on-leash, unless on the owner’s property or where posted signs indicate otherwise such as in off-leash areas. The bylaw also states that dogs are not permitted on school grounds, playgrounds, or sports fields. For more information regarding concerns with dogs, visit https://www.calgary.ca/pets/dog-concerns.html.

Calgary has 157 off-leash areas in multi-use parks for Calgarians and their dogs to enjoy, including Hawkwood’s off-leash area in Hawkcliff Park/Ravine. To view all off-leash areas in Calgary, go to https://maps.calgary.ca/OffLeashDogAreas/.

Lost Pets – If your pet is lost, call 3-1-1 and file a lost pet report including a description, pet license number, and tattoo or microchip information. Check frequently with the City of Calgary’s Animal Services Centre (online or using the City of Calgary Pets mobile app) to see if your pet is in the facility.

Found a Lost Pet? – Pets found within the Calgary city limits, with or without ID, should be taken to the City of Calgary’s Animal Services Centre (2201 Portland St SE) or, if after hours, the closest veterinary clinic.

For more information about pets and responsible pet ownership, go to the City of Calgary’s website at https://www.calgary.ca/content/www/en/home/pets.html.

Please send me an email at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or want to learn more about the HCA.

In gratitude and kindness,

Michele del Valle

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