Hawkwood’s President’s Message for May


Hello Hawkwood!

This month, I am reflecting on the strength we receive from the communities we build up around us. Through my connections on the HCA board, I recently had the privilege of attending a fundraising event for a very important cause in honour of a beautiful Hawkwood family. When I met the family at the event, I was struck by their kindness in welcoming attendees they didn’t know and especially by how they embraced the present. It was heart-warming and inspiring to see them surrounded by their community of family and friends, who have created and continue to nurture strong supports and connections.

While a community association will not replace such strong, close bonds, HCA strives to provide programs, events, and public spaces that are welcoming to all members of the Hawkwood community. Calgary is a big city, and it can be difficult to establish the kinds of connections we, as social beings, seek out to survive and thrive. I hope that participating in one of HCA’s programs or attending one of our events will spark some new and lasting connections among our community members.

We are also fortunate to live in a community that supports enhancing our physical spaces through the Landscape Enhancement Appreciation Fund (LEAF). Our LEAF Coordinator, Mark, started the planning for our community flower beds and arrangements at the end of last year. A lot of work goes into selecting plants that will sustain the challenging weather we see in the northwest during the season, and I am excited to see what is in store for Hawkwood as the planting begins this month.

To celebrate the HCA’s 40th anniversary, we continue to recognize our long-serving volunteers. This month, I would like to acknowledge and thank Cat J. for being one of the first people to respond to the many requests for volunteers we make throughout the year. Thank you, Cat, for all you did for the HCA in 2023, which included taking on several routes to deliver door hangers that promoted HCA events, for volunteering on event days at the Hawkwood Community Park, and for helping folks pitch their unwanted items into the huge City of Calgary crusher trucks at the community cleanup. We appreciate your service to the community!

Please send me an email at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or want to learn more about the HCA.

In gratitude and kindness,

Michele del Valle

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