Hawkwood’s President’s Message for November


Hello Hawkwood!

As we welcome November, I hope everyone had a fun Halloween seeing our community’s kids at their doors wearing this year’s popular Halloween costumes. It’s always interesting to see what costumes are trending mixed among those long-time favourites I remember as a kid!

This month, we are gearing up for the HCA’s Annual General Meeting, which will be held at the Uplands Recreation Centre on Tuesday, November 26. The doors open at 7:00 pm and the meeting will get underway at 7:30 pm. All community members are welcome to attend, but to vote on any of the motions, you must be a current member of the HCA. To register or renew your membership prior to the meeting, go to https://hawkwoodca.getcommunal.com/memberships.

The HCA is a volunteer organization overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors focused on its mission to build community; provide gathering places; create connections through recreational, social, and cultural opportunities; and foster an environment of collaboration and respect for all. The HCA offers a range of programs, events, and initiatives for all ages in our community – visit our website at https://www.hawkwoodca.com for a complete overview.

Elections for the Board of Directors are held at the AGM, and we will have some vacancies as current members wind down their terms. The commitment includes holding a valid HCA membership; attending monthly board meetings; supporting HCA special events and fundraising activities; and carrying out responsibilities aligned with the position descriptions, bylaws, and policies. Please send me an email at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or want to learn more about the serving your community as a board member with the HCA.

Speaking of volunteer roles, it will not be long before the park rink will be open. The HCA prepares, builds, and maintains three ice surfaces: the main rink, a leisure rink in the fire pit area, and a crokicurl surface. The success of these rinks relies on volunteers. If your household likes the convenience of being able to skate in your own neighbourhood and have some time to spare, please consider joining the Winter Maintenance Team by emailing [email protected]. Training is provided!

In gratitude and kindness,

Michele del Valle

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