Kincora’s President’s Message for August

Kincora cn

Hi Kincora,

Stampede time in summer is such a wonderful time in Calgary. Let me start this newsletter by expressing gratitude and thanks for our biggest event in the KCA’s event calendar, our 14th annual Stampede Breakfast, which was so well received and went off smoothly. I hope you had as much fun attending it as much as we had in organizing it. Thank you to our sponsors and vendors, without whose support this event simply could not have been possible. Please check out the rest of the newsletter for a listing of our sponsors. Many thanks to our dedicated volunteers who came out and ensured that every one of our guests had a wonderful experience, and of course you, the local community who came out and enjoyed the event! Your $20 membership gets multiplied many times and giving back in your community is money well invested. Thank you for taking advantage of the membership drive.

I’d also like to take the time thank our KCA board who are a group of 11 volunteers in the community who are your neighbours and friends, who take time away from their families to donate their time and efforts to ensure an event like this can take place. I would like to especially thank our new Stampede Director, Chad Rowe, who took on the responsibility of the Stampede Breakfast after our previous director left. He has done a fabulous job this year and will continue to do so with our support and encouragement.

Don’t forget that YYC Food Trucks will be here on August 10, from 4:00 to 8:00 pm as part of our Monthly Food Truck Rally.

The Stampede Breakfast is the last event of summer, as after this, the KCA takes the rest of the summer off and reconvenes in early September. Thank you for your support, Kincora. We’ll still be monitoring our emails and Facebook, but maybe not quite as quickly.

As always, we hope to bring more exciting events for you in the fall. Please keep a look out for them in these pages as well as the website.

Have a wonderful, fun-filled summer, everyone!

Mallika Velamuri


[email protected]

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