May at St. Augustine School


Hopefully the nice weather of May is here to stay and we can say farewell to winter weather for the rest of the year. This month is a very busy month for the staff, students and parents of St. Augustine School as we busily prepare for two premier events that have become hallmarks of our community, the Jr. High Fine Arts Showcase and the Spring into Summer – Family BBQ.

The Jr. High Fine Arts Showcase, scheduled for May 25th at the University of Calgary Rosa Centre, is an opportunity for students to display and perform works of art that they have been working on throughout the school year in all of the various art disciplines. It is also a chance for students to emphasize our fine arts program as various examples of student work will be exhibited and show how our program integrates arts with the Alberta curriculum and allows students to experience links between the arts and other core subjects.

The Spring into Summer – Family BBQ is an opportunity for the school community to come together and celebrate the success of the school year. It is also a major fundraising event for the school as we are currently raising money to construct an outdoor learning café for our students. We would like to thank our presenting sponsor, the Watson family, for their generous support of the BBQ and the café. If you, or a member of the community would like information on how you can help make this project a reality, feel free to contact the school at 403-500-2022.

Countless hours go into making both of these events successful and they really speak volumes to the community spirit that we share at the school.