November at St. Gerard School


As usual, September and October came and went with dizzying speed. They’re not always easy months for parents and teachers alike, from adapting to changes in their personal and family lives in light of school obligations and after-school activities, to getting to know new staff members and routines tied to the advent of another school year. Prayerfulness is an important aspect of the lives of Catholic educators, and in practice, we are mindful of the district’s new faith theme “Ask, and it will be given you” (Matthew 7:7) as we bridge those who are suffering or in need through prayerful action and intent.

We started the year with 121 students, which is terrific news for us as this means that we have increased in student numbers over last year! We have class sizes that remain relatively small, from 17 to 24 students in Kindergarten to Grade 6, and a staff that has remained stable. Our newest addition, Mme. Boutette, the grade 4 teacher, was met with enthusiasm from the community, and she has proven to be a kind and considerate teacher who has shaped her classroom into a group of focused and engaged learners. Mme. Moody returned from maternity leave and picked up from where she left off in creating a positive impact in the lives of young children in Kindergarten.

School Council hosted the school’s first Spell-a-thon in October as the main fundraiser for the year. While the purpose of any fundraiser is to support school special events and activities that benefit students, the Spell-a-thon’s academic application supported the classroom in reinforcement of high-utility words while mindful to not create undue stress and anxiety for struggling spellers and for families with monetary constraints. Thank you to those who were able to support the school through this fundraiser! Next month we will update with how much money the students and families raised!