PBP’s January President’s Message

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Volunteer at the January Casino

We need a few more volunteers for our upcoming casino fundraiser. Casinos generate much of the funding we use for community events and upkeep and improvements at the community hall. If you have time to spare, please contact the office and we will find you a job.

Email [email protected] to assist us.

Serve Your Community as a Board Member of PBPCA

We are always happy to have new neighbors join our CA Board. Being a Board member is a very reasonable time commitment and it is a great opportunity to meet community residents. Community members are welcome at our meetings on the first Tuesday of each month. Think of it as a test drive to see if you would like to come along for the ride!

Email me at [email protected] to learn more.

Join Us at the PBPCA Annual General Meeting

A great way to learn about the activities your Community Association board engages in is to attend the PBP Community Association Annual General Meeting. You can find out what we’ve been focused on, learn about our upcoming initiatives, and join us for snacks and drinks! The 2020 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, at the community center and starts at 7:00 pm.

The Rink is Up and Running

With winter settled in, our rink is now in operation with the ice in place. As a kid growing up in the community, I spent countless hours at the rink playing shinny with friends. Take advantage of our rink shelter, one of our major projects from the last few years, to put on the blades, take a well-deserved break, or to watch your kids.

On behalf of the Community Board and staff, we wish you a Happy New Year and great 2020!


Jay Nelson