What’s Up at Arbour Lake This March


Hi Arbour Lake Residents!

As we move into spring, we want to remind residents how unsafe the ice can be. As we enter March, be reminded that as warmer weather approaches, our ice will begin to melt. Please be very careful and aware of thin ice at the lake. If the red flag is up, it is unsafe to walk on or take a shortcut across the ice. The flag poles are located around the lake and at the front entrance of the parking lot. Always watch for the colour of the flags to see if the ice is safe for skating.

Summer Camp

Registration for our summer camps are open! Register in person at our office! More details are available on the events section of this newsletter and our website at www.arbourlake.com.

Polar Plunge

We are delighted to host another Polar Plunge! Come support Special Olympics Alberta athletes by jumping into the cold lake water, donating, or joining us on March 1 to cheer on the jumpers. We hope to see you there in support of this great cause! Thank you to everyone who participated!

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