Happy Holidays from your Local Crystal Palace Guides!

Categories Girl Guides

It’s hard to believe that another year is coming to a close. As the snow falls, darkness lasts longer, and the spirit of the holiday begins to fill our homes with love and laughter. We reflect on our year as Crystal Palace district. This year has been exciting. We have had units travel to Edmonton and Victoria B.C., many camps, visits to pet stores, the zoo, the Legion for Remembrance Day, splatter painting, Disney on ice, singing to seniors and more! We continue to grow in girls and leaders, too! We are always looking for girls to join and would love to have ladies join as leaders, too!!

We have a unit travelling to Prince Edward Island next year which has done lots of fundraising with more to come; thank you to the community members that have helped the 71st Guides so far! Not sure what to get someone this Christmas season? How about a box of Chocolate mint girl guide cookies? If you would like to join our district, purchase cookies or have questions or comments please contact Meribeth Barclay at 403-874-7297 or [email protected].