Photo Gallery Guidelines

What We Are Looking For

Calgary-related or Alberta-themed photographs
Calgary is a wonderful city in which to live, and we are hoping to showcase our city’s undiscovered beauty in the hosted galleries. We also realize that a lot of Calgarians like to travel since we’re in such a central location. You’re welcome to submit any photos of the Rockies, foothills, and prairies from the beautiful province of Alberta. Except no photos of Edmonton—just kidding! We ❤ you, Edmonton.
Photos from outside Alberta will not be considered.
Calgarians are very mobile, and we realize a lot of them take lovely trips to beautiful places all over the world. However, we are a proud Calgary-centered local business, and we want to showcase that pride. There are so many gorgeous places around the world, and your pictures might be very lovely, but they’re not relevant to the Calgary experience.

Rules for Submission

Photographer Bio: Separately include headshot, 2-sentence author biography, and your social media and/or website.
Separately include headshot, 2-sentence biography, your social media handles and/or website. This is to help us give you proper credit for your photographs and to also allow us to notify you once your gallery has been posted.
No watermarks or signatures in your photos.
You will receive proper credit for your photos and links to your business and/or social media will be listed in your photographers’ bio. Therefore, we will not be accepting photos that have credits in the actual image.
1920 x 1080 minimum for photo submission
These are the specifications required in order to guarantee images will look good on the web and also be of print quality. Submissions that fail to meet the above resolution will not be considered.

Terms and Conditions

We will be hosting your photos on our site
All photo submissions, whether intended for print or for web will be hosted on our site to allow our audience a chance to view them at their leisure.
By submitting to us, you are also agreeing to let us use your photos in our newsletters should we choose (and vice versa)
If your photos submitted to myCalgary are high enough quality for use in print media, we will be doing so. In submitting to us, you are acknowledging and agree to this.
You retain the right to your photos and may submit them elsewhere
While we would prefer that your gallery be unique in submission, you are welcome to submit your photos elsewhere. We will not be giving your photos out to other parties.

Submit your Photos

  • Max. file size: 6 MB.
  • Max. file size: 6 MB.
  • Max. file size: 6 MB.
  • Max. file size: 6 MB.
  • Max. file size: 6 MB.
  • Max. file size: 6 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.