Flint Park Bike Pump Track – Now Open!

Fairview cn

The Fairview Pump Track at Flint Park is now open! Thanks for all your patience while this project was completed. Please bike to the park if possible! Also, please ensure you read the safety information sign posted at the track entrance before you ride, paying close attention to the track directions to avoid any collisions. Finally, ensure you are maintaining social distancing by keeping 2 metres apart, and please clean up after yourselves once you are finished. We hope you enjoy this great new addition to our community!

We couldn’t have done it without you! A big thanks to all the organizations that helped make this project a reality including The Bike Shop, Trico Homes, AGLC, NAK Design Strategies, Parks Foundation Calgary, Lafarge, Blue Grass Nursery, Maglin Site Furnishings, Alberta Construction Rentals and Calgary Aggregate Recycling. And huge thanks to the Citizens of Fairview who have lent a hand when needed and given through our Parks Foundation Campaign.

Find out more at fairviewcommunity.ca/pumptrack.