Personal Safety While Driving

Federation of Calgary Communities

A message from the Federation of Calgary Communities

  1. Before driving your car:
  • Be sure your car is in good running condition by having regular maintenance.
  • Have your door and ignition keys ready when you get close to your vehicle.
  • Look behind the front seat before getting in to make sure no one is hidden on the floor waiting for you.
  • Right after you get in, lock all the doors, and roll up the windows.
  • Keep your valuables out of sight, not on the seat next to you.
  1. Try to always be aware of your exact location.
  2. Travel with a cell phone or coins for an emergency phone call.
  3. Never pick up hitchhikers.
  4. If your car breaks down in an isolated area:
  • Raise the hood.
  • Sit inside the car with the doors locked until help arrives.
  • Leave the windows up while you talk to whoever comes near. It may be safer to stay in your car than to go with strangers to get help.
  • If someone comes up to your car and you do not have a cell phone, ask them to phone the police or a tow truck, etc. and wait in your car.
  • Remember that highways are frequently patrolled.
  1. If you think you are being followed by a person in another car:
  • Do not go home.
  • Drive to the nearest police station or open business. If you have a cell phone, call 911.
  • Do not allow another car to force you to the side of the road.
  • Use your horn to get attention and call for help.
  • If possible, get the license number and write it down.
  1. When you arrive at your destination:
  • Park in a well-lit spot as near as possible to your destination.
  • Look around for people before leaving your car.
  • If you must leave your key in the vehicle when parking in an attended lot, remove it from the key ring and take all other keys with you.
  • Keep the registration and insurance information with you.
  • Lock your car.