Renfrew’s Message from the Board for December

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We want to take this opportunity to thank those who served on the Board of Directors during the 2019/2020 term for all they have done this past year for the Renfrew Community Association: Mikki (Past President), David (VP External), Ian (Secretary), Steve (Treasurer), Mary Grace (Events and Volunteers), Michael (Memberships), Dennis (IT), Maureen (Communications), Maddie (Transportation and Mobility), Michelle (Social Room), and Jaime (Planning). We also want to give a big shout out to all the committee members who pitch in to make Renfrew such a great place to live — it would be impossible to name everyone who volunteers on a committee or helps out throughout the year, but we know it wouldn’t happen without you!

The past year has been difficult for everybody — at the RCA, board and committee members dealt with the impact of COVID-19 on our operations, events, and hall rentals. But we also took heart in the way it brought community members together — from sidewalk chalk messages and drawings throughout the neighbourhood, to porch visits and friendly outdoor conversations. The RCA also found new ways to support the community during this period, such as our ongoing Renfrew Cares initiative to assist neighbours who are isolating or in need, our business support program to help the shops and restaurants that serve our community, and events like our safe, fund and family-friendly Easter Bunny sidewalk visits and Halloween Drive Thru. Next up, on Saturday, December 6, is a special Holiday Drive Thru with Santa as the guest of honour! You’ll find more on that in this issue.

Unfortunately, Renfrew’s Tiny Tots program for young children and their parents is temporarily suspended due to the additional challenges created by COVID-19 combined with a lack of volunteers. This program has led to many friendships over the years — among kids and adults — and has played an important role in building a vital, connected community. We hope it will be back up and running again as soon as possible. For more information about the Tiny Tots program or the volunteer roles required, contact [email protected].

Looking ahead, the new RCA board includes some familiar faces who are back for another term and welcomes some new members —congratulations to all those joining the board for the first time and bringing new energy and ideas. The RCA still has some vacant positions available and it’s never too late to join. We’re also always looking for people to help out on our committees and at our events — even just a few hours a month makes a world of difference. The more people willing to lend their expertise or a helping hand, the more we can accomplish together. If you have some time and interest in giving back to the community, email [email protected] or any director to express your interest.

As always, make sure to keep an eye on the website, and follow us @Renfrew on Facebook and Twitter for the latest information on our community.

Warmly from us to you,

RCA Board of Directors, 2019/2020