Cambrian Height’s January President’s Message


At the writing of this message, the Provincial government has announced new restrictive measures to reduce social interactions, in an attempt to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. While the Community Hall had been ordered to be closed in November, this announcement continues such closure into 2021. We sympathize with all the community residents, particularly our seniors, who had to forgo the traditional family gatherings that provide the true meaning of Christmas and the Holiday Season. We also sympathize with the local businesses that had to shut down or restrict entry at this critical time to their continued operations. We, like all communities in Calgary, value the contribution of such businesses to the well being of our neighbourhoods and encourage support of these stores and facilities.

At Cambrian Heights, we will continue to provide our two ice rinks to support outdoor activity. If you are available to help out with the rinks’ maintenance, please contact the team headed by Scott at [email protected] to offer some hours of worthwhile effort for the kids. We also encourage residents to utilize Confederation Park for sliding and walking during this winter season. If you are not aware, Nordic skiing is available at Confederation Golf Course thanks to volunteers from various organizations grooming trails. Nordic trails are also available at Bowness Park, Shaganappi Golf course, and South Glenmore Park. As well, we are fortunate to have Nose Hill Park for snow shoeing after fresh snow falls or walks on warmer winter days.

The annual children’s Lego Contest was not held live this year for safety reasons. We did, however, sponsor an online virtual contest which was judged November 21. Some pictures from that contest are shown here with the remainder being available on our website at

We will continue to explore options for online programs, focusing on informational and social activities. If you have ideas in this regard, please feel free to contact us at one of the email addresses provided in this newsletter.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of social events, our weekly drop-in yoga program and our general fitness programs will continue to be offered online into 2021. Both Lorene Hughes – Fitness ([email protected]) and Kyrsten Blair – Yoga ([email protected]), will operate these programs, using experience gained from the changes COVID-19 brough in March. Please consult the advertisement posters in this issue or our website for further details. A review will be made in the first quarter of 2021 about returning to in-person Community Hall sessions starting in April.

Our first 12-week language class was concluded in December. It was a great success, involving in-person classes until late November when it was switched to online due to Provincial orders to close Community Centres. We would like to hear your thoughts on conducting another such class in early 2021, focusing on Spanish, French, German, or Mandarin. Class size is restricted to six to eight, to maintain maximum individual attention, with a cost of $120. If you are interested in either online or in-person lessons, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

The Community Association continues to look for residents interested in volunteering to help develop programs and activities for adults and children living in Cambrian Heights. Currently, we are actively looking to recruit someone to replace our current Secretary later in 2021. This is an opportunity to join the Board of Directors and learn the job from the current Secretary and contribute to the successful running of the Cambrian Heights Community Association. To get involved or for more information, please contact us at [email protected].

The Planning Committee continues to work on both short-term responses to Development Permits, and the longer-term issue involving such City projects as the Green Line LRT, and the changes coming in development planning detailed in the updated Guidebook for Great Communities available on the City website at in late December. There is a recent City of Calgary initiative, in which concerned residents can now view online proposed development permits after filling out a Viewing Authorization form. Simply email [email protected] to start the process. Previously, a resident had to view the plans at the downtown Municipal Building or by contacting the Community Association. Residents wishing henceforth to view such plans, will be referenced by Cambrian Heights to this new online service.

While interrupted with the pandemic early in 2020, a Committee looking into enhancements of the 32nd Avenue Dog Park, has refocused and is exploring various designs and concepts to enhance the space for residents and their dogs. We are currently working with Calgary Parks in this initiative. We have also recently partnered with a Mount Royal student program to develop an effective resident communication platform and fund-raising effort. The Committee, made up of resident volunteers from Cambrian Heights and Rosemont communities, expects to have a preliminary design concept for comments posted on a bulletin board at the 32nd Avenue Dog Park, and on our website in late January or early February. It is imperative we have effective consultations before project initiation during the spring/summer of 2021. It is further expected that this will be a multi year process, as funds need to be raised for each stage of development. Critical to this process is that residents come forward and involve themselves with all stages of design, fund raising, and implementation. It is hoped that this will be the first step in our program to enhance all the parks in the Community, to make them more useful as green spaces for community area residents. If you wish to be part of this process, working with other volunteers in a partnered effort, please contact us at c[email protected].

The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for January 4. With the Hall closure mandate, these meetings are being conducted online. If you wish to bring some issue forward to the Board, please contact me in advance of any meeting. We can then make arrangements for you to attend through video conferencing.

Stay healthy, safe, and best wishes for you and your family in 2021.

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA