Rosemont’s February Message from the President


Howdy Rosemontians!

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe, both mentally and physically. With some students returning to in-person learning (at the time of this writing) and vaccines continuing to roll out, it feels like 2021 is off to a good start. But we need to continue to be vigilant.

Much has changed since last February. A year ago, we had just hosted a paint night, we were planning our annual Valentine’s family party, and shinny was well underway. Needless to say, this year is a bit different.

Unfortunately, shinny had to be cancelled this year but Jean, Grant, and the rest of the team are ready for next year.

However, the rinks have been put to very good use so far this year. I know some residents haven’t been able to enjoy the ice as much as in previous years due to their popularity. I understand your frustration and hope that all users are being respectful and mindful of others at the rinks. In the second half of December, the province implemented new rules for outdoor rinks, including no hockey games/shinny, max group size of 10, and capacity limits for the rinks. We have posted these rules on the side of the hall, as well as our website (and if they have changed since then, we will update accordingly). If you see users having flagrant disregard towards these rules, contact 311. We want everyone to have access to our amazing rinks and hope others do too.

Of course, the rink wouldn’t be what it is without the Rosemont Ice Guys. They worked hard to get a lot of coats down this year (about 55 at the time of writing), so once again, thanks for all of your hard work guys.

We are planning another virtual beer tasting event for Friday February 19. Just like our last one, Craig and the gang will curate four wonderful beers and possibly some wings (TBD). There will also be an explanation of the brewing process by showing a beer being made using hops grown right here in Rosemont. RSVP will be required. Please visit for details and payment information.

If you run a small business or non-profit organization, please email us at [email protected]. We would like to feature locally owned businesses in our email blasts and compile a directory on our website.

We write these newsletters at the beginning of the previous month, and the way the world is going right now, a lot can change in a few weeks. For the most up-to-date information, always check out our website at, and be sure to sign up for our email blasts if you don’t receive them already.

These are difficult times and despite a new year, we are still faced with many challenges. We can’t give our family and friends hugs, small businesses are suffering and closing, politicians aren’t following the spirit of their own rules. But compassion and kindness can only help our situation. Be kind to your neighbours, your family, those who may not share your worldviews, and most importantly, yourself.