Cambrian Heights President’s Message


President’s Message

COVID-19 cases have been lowering and vaccination programs have advanced, such that on March 8 the Province announced an easing on COVID-19 restrictions, including the opening of all Calgary community halls. Capacity restrictions will continue to preclude event size, consistent with the type of events generally hosted at our community hall. The next round of possible easing of COVID protocols is scheduled for March 22. We will be monitoring this progress but will remain focused on health and safety first, due to the children’s preparatory school usage of these facilities during the weekdays. Updates will be provided on our website ( We are, however, accepting limited rental inquiries and reservations, subject to COVID protocols, at [email protected] or at 403-284-1175.

The end of March generally brings an end to the outdoor ice, due to daytime temperatures. We sincerely thank Scott Jacobson and his crew of rink rats for their volunteer efforts this winter, which were greatly appreciated and invaluable during this pandemic. A generally mild winter allowed both our ice sheets to be well enjoyed and helped provide valuable recreational opportunity for our residents and children during a difficult period. We will continue to maintain these ice rinks as long as possible.

Our weekly Yoga Program and our Fitness Programs will continue to be offered online. Both Lorene Hughes – Fitness ([email protected]) and Kyrsten Blair – Yoga ([email protected]) will operate these programs, using experience gained from the changes COVID-19 brought in March. Please consult the advertisement posters in this issue or our website for further details. At this point, it is unlikely these programs will return to the Community Hall before September.

We are continuing to develop our Parks Committee plans to design and fundraise to enhance the inclusivity, enjoyment, and social gathering aspects of the Cambrian Heights Off Leash Park. Published in this issue is the conceptual diagram of the development envisioned for this park that was included in the March community newsletter. This design concept will be finalized after consultations with residents from both Cambrian Heights and Rosemont communities. Several Mount Royal University students continue to coordinate this consultation process, as we look to engage and encourage residents in both communities to get involved in this multi year project. Please see the Cambrian Heights Off Leash Park announcement in this newsletter for more details on how you may input your ideas, participation, or donations to achieve the best possible development of this recreational park space.

I want to remind everyone that a Block Party subsidy of $100 is available to support such events in the community. This hopefully will provide stimulus for these valuable social gatherings as we come out of outdoor public gathering restrictions. Applications can be sent to [email protected].

The next meetings of the Board are scheduled for April 5 and May 3. With the pandemic protocols, we have been holding these meetings online. If you wish to bring some issue forward to the Board, please contact us at [email protected] in advance of any meeting. We may then make arrangements for you to attend in person or through video conferencing, if necessary.

We have scheduled our Annual General Meeting for June 15 in anticipation of such gatherings being permitted by provincial government health regulations.

Stay safe but remain active,

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA