Baking Through A Pandemic


During the pandemic, we were forced to be secluded from society and accept the consequences of that.

As the saying goes “After the rain, there is always a rainbow”, and that is what Julia Carvalho did. At the age of 22, Julia had to start working from home, like the majority of Calgarians. By working remotely, this decreased the commute times and increased her work-life balance by allowing her to focus on things she did not even know she liked, such as baking! With no experience or perception of the baking world, Julia adventured on this journey while the economic world was collapsing. From the scarce yeast at the grocery stores and no white chocolate melts anywhere in Calgary and surrounding areas, Julia did not give up and kept baking.

After one year of practicing, learning, and researching techniques and methods; Julia decided that it was time to share her baking passion with the community in Calgary by spreading the positivism and light that came out of this pandemic. At only 22 years old, she started her own baking business even when small businesses in Alberta were getting affected the most throughout these times.

Julia has a saying that is “If life gives you lemons, throw it and eat some chocolate.” and that positivism is seen and tasted on her baked goods, by turning moments of sadness and isolation into something joyful, and by spreading love to others through her baking.