Dispose of Pet Waste the Right Way


With the warmer weather finally upon us, you may be cleaning up your yard or outside enjoying the sunshine with your pets. Help keep our city clean by disposing of pet waste properly.

  • You can put pet waste and kitty litter (all varieties) in your green cart for composting. For the safety of your collector, put pet waste in a certified compostable bag or paper bag, and securely tie/roll closed.
  • Never put plastic bags or bags labelled biodegradable in your green cart. These bags do not break down and end up as small pieces of plastic that contaminate the finished compost.
  • If using conventional plastic bags to clean up pet waste, please double bag and securely tie closed before disposing of in the black cart.
  • Only dispose of pet waste in your own carts. If you want to use someone else’s bins, you need to have permission from the homeowner or occupant.
  • If you live in a multi-family complex like a condo or townhouse, check with your building owner or manager to see if your compost collection company accepts pet waste.

To see a list of acceptable compostable bags, visit calgary.ca/greencart.