The Woodcreek Executive’s Message for May


As I write this, the Province is setting new COVID restrictions in place. Nobody knows what restrictions will be in place by the time you read this. We will continue to abide by the restrictions as best we can. Hang in there. Be kind to all involved.

We have decided to go forward with the planning for our Stampede Breakfast. The thinking now is that a substantial fraction of Albertans will be vaccinated by then, and it’s an outdoor event. If necessary, we can make changes to the event by expanding the seating area for distance requirements or do a drive through arrangement.

The May community clean-up and garage sale events are also going forward, although the exact services may have to be adjusted to meet whatever restrictions are in place. We will update our web page with further details as they become available.

In ring road news from MLA Issik, the section between Highway 2 and 146th Ave is scheduled to open in October. Landscaping and sound wall construction will be underway April or early May at various places beside the road and may be underway as you read this. Please respect the temporary construction closures as this work proceeds. There are further sound level studies planned as traffic reaches anticipated levels.

Lastly, a big thank you to all who renewed or purchased a new community association membership. Memberships help us keep our facilities open and are what allow us to provide services to our community, at least to the extent allowed by the ever-changing COVID restrictions. If you don’t have a membership, please consider buying one. It lasts a full year from the date of purchase.

Keith Cartmell

1st Vice President