Oakridge’s Civic Affairs and Planning Activities Update for June


In early May, OCA and PBPCA met with Ward 11 and City representatives to discuss changes in traffic patterns and in particular pedestrian safety along 90th Avenue. Specific intersections discussed along 90th Avenue were at Bay Ridge Drive, Oakside Gate, and Oakmount Drive. Some facility upgrades are planned for later this year, while ongoing monitoring will occur throughout our communities.

The City of Calgary Guidebook, now renamed the ‘Guide for Local Areas Plans’ was reviewed by Council Planning and Urban Development (PUD) Committee on the May 5 but, after much public input, was handed back to City Administration with the direction to use it as a best practice and not as either a statutory document or a policy document. More details can be obtained at: https://pub-calgary.escribemeetings.com/Meeting.aspx?Id=185bf4cf-1301-4697-8d7d-4d9983264ef9&Agenda=Merged&lang=English.

After review of the latest amendments issued on April 30, we did submit a statement supporting the revised Guide but with reservations about the Engagement Process and related planning activities such as the modernizing the Joint Use and Planning Agreement: https://engage.calgary.ca/JUPA.

All this re-positioning means that we need to be prepared for influencing our Local Area Plan as it is developed. It will have a governing impact on our communities.

Our next District 32 meeting (Meeting #13) is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11, to discuss primarily next steps on how we position for input to a Local Area Plan. We continue to discuss how we best get input from residents on what they want/do not want their neighbourhoods to become in the future.

In S Glenmore Park, the Bicycle Pump Track remains closed so that Parks Foundation can complete improvements. It is anticipated, it will be re-opened later in the summer when the upgrades are completed.

Oakridge Co-Op continues their construction as planned for the new two-storey tenant building north of Boston Pizza and the parking lot upgrades. Details of the design and construction plans, and a model, are available in the Co-Op grocery store.

No City planning permit applications were reviewed this month.

We encourage local residents to communicate their comments and concerns by calling 311 while keeping the OCA informed. By keeping us informed, we can try and address your concerns from an OCA perspective. Many thanks.