October President’s Message from the SBHCA Board


We are now into the autumn season, children are into their second month of the school year, the Federal election is behind us, and we are approaching the Municipal election later this month. I wanted to take this opportunity to remind all adult members of the Springbank Hill community to review the election platforms of our Ward 6 councillor candidates as well as our mayor candidates and please take the time to get out and vote. As a community association, we work closely with the city and our Ward 6 team and we also occasionally interact with our mayor, so we are very interested in following this election and ensuring that we establish a good working relationship with the new team after the election.

Our Board of Directors is busy working on plans for events and initiatives for 2022 and regarding potential capital improvement projects in the coming three years. Our Annual General Meeting of our members will take place on Wednesday, October 27 and we will once again hold this meeting virtually using Zoom video conferencing. Members will receive an email with the Zoom meeting link prior to our AGM, so please look out for that. And if you haven’t yet joined our community association, please consider purchasing a membership online, for only $25, so that you can also participate in the meeting as a voting member. Allow me to provide an overview of the potential capital projects that we will review in more detail at the AGM. We are interested in the feedback of our members in helping us prioritize which project to initiate in 2022. We have already committed to complete the water line installation for the community garden project in 2022 and following are other projects that may or may not go ahead depending on availability of funds and the support of our membership.

  1. Potential addition of a small playground structure at the community park
  2. Repair of the water feature at the Highgate Park
  3. Potential upgrades to our Springbank Hill winter ice rink
  4. Potential upgrades to our Montreux winter ice rink

We are interested in hearing your feedback. If we can only go ahead with one of these projects, which one would you want to see us initiate in 2022? We will collect feedback at the AGM, but you can also simply email us at [email protected] to provide your comments.

Stay tuned for an announcement for an event at the community park, possibly just prior to Halloween. More details to be announced soon. And as always, we welcome any new volunteers to help us run events such as this and make our community a more vibrant and active one!

Stay safe and enjoy the autumn season.

Elio Cozzi,

President, Springbank Hill Community Association