North Haven’s December Gardening Tips

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Hello Garden Lovers!

Winter is nearly here, so gardening may not be in the front of your mind, but the winter season can be a great time for planning. It’s also a good time to consider “winter interest”. Given our long winter season, having tall grasses, evergreens, or colourful, red-stemmed shrubs like Dogwood can keep a garden interesting over the colder months. Have a look in the neighbourhood as you drive or walk around to see what you like and consider what you might want to incorporate into your own space next year.

For some more specific planning or skills upgrading, consider taking a course to widen your gardening knowledge. The Calgary Horticultural Society remains active all winter long with regular newsletters and courses ranging from planning your vegetable garden and creating seasonal decorations to landscape design. Courses are available to non-members.

While you’re waiting for spring, remember to give your garden beds a boost by shovelling snow into them. The snow will insulate plants and also provide moisture during those inevitable chinooks.

Renée Bellavance